Inspired by West Coast I.P.A.'s, but brewed with Michigan style. From their site at Dark Horse Brewing Company.

With a dark golden, copper hue and a bit of cloudiness, this brew has an excellent head that stays with your glass awhile. The lacing is also very good as it "sticks" to the sides of the glass while drinking it.

A very hoppy and malt aroma that is almost stinky at first but flowery in the end. Crooked Tree is heavily dry hopped that gives it it's aroma and (according to their site) a big aroma of pine and citrus.
At first sip, it is bitter and almost unpleasant tasting. You can really taste the malt, hops and a spicy bitterness. I felt it had a very bitter aftertaste as well, but not totally undrinkable. Not bad, but maybe a bit too hoppy for me. Pales Ale, especially IPA's, usually don't taste very good to me, but this one isn't too bad once you get into it.
Now, this is the "single hop" brew with the ABV of 6% and is available year round. There is the double Crooked Tree with an ABV of 13.6% that has limited availability. I will review that one later and no driving for after that one!!!! =D
Save a cold one for me! :)
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