How can one do that to their Guinness and Jameson, or even Baileys, is beyond me.
The first drink I order was the Celebrator Doppelbock which, of course, they didn't have. What a shame, it's really good.
So, Theaskston Old Perculiar was next my list. It's a dark beer but not bitter. I thought it had a fruity aroma but later came to the conclusion it was nutty. A thick, bold taste but surpisingly smooth with a nutty aftertaste.
Now, my husband tried the Dead Guy Rogue after his birthday "drink". It had a hoppy aroma, very hoppy taste and a bitter aftertaste. I didn't enjoy this beer, nor did my husband, he keep wanting to drink my Old Perculier!
On to the Fuller's 1845 Ale. A nice reddish-amber color, head stays and doesn't dispense quickly. Hoppy, nutty smell with a crisp, robust malty taste. (sorry for the blurred pix)
Breckenridge Avalanche Amber Ale: Amber-red color(in bar light, anyway). Mild hoppy smell, after agitating the aroma seemed corny, grainy. Genererally a great brew with a nutty, bitter, and bold carmelized malts taste with a smooth, mild, and a creamy, bitter aftertaste. I wouldn't have it all the time though.
Until next time...Keep a bar stool open for me.
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